Chocolate for breakfast, why not? Cacao is a powerhouse of antioxidants. It’s a superfood bursting with vitamins and key minerals, so it’s no mystery why we crave it. Cravings are our body’s way of telling us what we might be missing on a basic nutrient level. Magnesium is probably what you are missing if you are craving chocolate.

Magnesium is arguably the most important mineral in our bodies. It is the base of our most important cellular functions, key for hormonal regulation, brain functioning, sound sleep and muscle recovery. When we don’t get enough magnesium in our diet, our body pulls it from our bones and we experience the results of deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis in women. Anxiety, insomnia, restless legs, headaches, especially migraines, hair and skin problems may all be symptoms of low levels of magnesium.
Listen to that craving! If you are experiencing these symptoms, supplementation will help heal it faster. In addition, for prevention or just for the yum of it, you can also enjoy this smoothie. A bit of banana and stevia make this feel naughty, even though it’s not at all.

25g of cacao powder, about 1 heaping tablespoon
2 handfuls of spinach
1/3 of a large ripe banana
30g scoop of hemp or other plant-based protein powder (I use GOOD Hemp Protein)
110 ml plant-based mylk of choice (I use unsweetened almond)
250ml of water
3-4 drops of liquid stevia (optional), or another ⅓ of the banana for more sweetness
Throw all the ingredients in the blender and enjoy. You can add more water after you blend and taste for consistency.
Bottoms up!
Lifehack: break overripe bananas into thirds and freeze them. They are perfect to emulsify a smoothie, especially one with greens in it, making it all come together nicely. I also eat them frozen in euro or U.S. quarter-sized slices—lazy woman’s banana ice cream.